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Ofsted Report 2018

Early Years Provision rated 'Good'


Children in the early years, including those in the relatively new pre-school provision, get off to a good start and make good progress in building their knowledge, skills and understanding.


Leadership of the early years is strong. The leader has high expectations and has developed an exciting learning environment, both inside and outside the classroom. Children make a positive start to their schooling.


Early years staff, including pre-school key workers, are well trained and share the early years leader’s high expectations.


The school has established a successful pre-school which is popular with parents. The pre-school provides appropriately for children aged two and three. The staff support children well, with places for these children to rest and sleep if necessary. Staff develop children’s understanding well across the prime areas of learning.


The pre-school is a safe, calm and orderly place. Staff listen and respond sensitively, helping children to make good progress in developing their verbal and non-verbal communication. Transitions into school are well managed and early assessment establishes an appropriate starting point for teaching.


The children interact well with key workers in the role-play area. They encourage cooperation, sharing and turn-taking.


Assessment is consistent across early years and parents contribute to this. Teachers track the progress of each child, using national benchmarks to support assessment. As a result, teachers’ planning and provision quickly build upon the interests of the children.


Children show increasing levels of independence, motivation and engagement because of the staff’s skillful intervention and questioning. Children, some aged two and three, plan their learning experiences for the next week with staff. As a result, staff stimulate children’s exploration within different activities effectively. 


During the last two years, more children are exceeding expectations by the end of Reception because of strong teaching in specific areas of literacy and mathematics.

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